
This bundle provides a way to search for items in a store when the app starts up when a q parameter with the search term is appended to the app's URL.

You can define a list of actions to execute after a search completed. By default, these are the actions highlight, zoomto, and openpopup.


There must be a store configured in your app to search on. For example, to search within an AGS layer you can utilize the agssearch bundle to define a store.

In the following sample the app is started with a q and a source parameter. Therefore a search for "berlin" is performed on the store that has the ID "myStoreId".


If the search returns a result, the actions configured in the actions property are triggered. If a popup is defined for the store, the popup is opened automatically.

Configuration Reference

The following sample shows the configurable properties and their default values:

    "Config": {
        "actions": ["zoomto", "highlight", "openpopup"],
        "defaultStoreId": "",
        "ensureGeometryInMapSRS": true,
        "useOnlyFirstResult": true,
        "zoomto-point-scale": 1000,
        "<action-property>": "value"


Property Type Description
actions Array A list of the IDs of the actions to execute after the search completes. See the bundle map-actions for a list of available actions.
defaultStoreId String ID of the store to be used for the search when no store ID is defined in the source URL parameter. If neither the source URL parameter nor the defaultStoreId are defined the search and hence all associated actions are not executed.
ensureGeometryInMapSRS Boolean Allows the deactivation of geometry transformations of result items if they do not match the spatial reference system of the map.
useOnlyFirstResult Boolean By default only the first item matching the search query is used. To react on multiple results, set this property to false and make sure to use actions that can react on multiple items.
<action-property> Any This is a placeholder for properties defined by actions listed in the property actions.

WARNING: The whole workflow is only started if all actions are available. Custom actions may require components which start late. The waiting is required to ensure that these actions are informed about the search results.

How to configure actions

For configuration options of the highlight and zoomto actions consider the map-actions documentation. See map-actions how to add custom actions, too.