
This bundle adds the ability to generate a report for ArcGIS feature service and map service data sources to the resultcenter (as a Tool) and result-ui (as a BulkAction).

Additionally, static reports can be generated that combine ArcGIS data sources with optional queries.

The reporttool triggers the report service by sending the URL of the map service or feature service and the IDs of the selected items. The report service then queries ArcGIS Server for the features. By default a generic report template is being used. Additionally, a mapping for a certain report template and data source can be configured.


No configuration is required, default values are applied.

To create a report for all features in the result center, the following options are available:

The following result-ui action is provided by this bundle:

ID Type Description
create-report bulk Trigger PDF report generation for the selected items.

For more details, see the bundle's API documentation.


The reporttool bundle support is limited to ArcGIS Server map services and feature services.

Configuration Reference

The following sample shows the configurable properties and its default values:

"reporttool": {
    "ReportTask": {
        "defaultReportId": "s_default",
        "defaultFileName": "Report.pdf",
        "directDownload": false,
        "mappings": [],
        "windowProperties": {
            "maximizable": true,
            "closable": true,
            "marginBox": {
                "w": 400,
                "h": 570
Property Type Description
defaultReportId String ID of the default report. This report is used if no mapping is found for a certain data source.
defaultFileName String Default filename for the generated report. The filename is used if no mapping is found for a certain data source.
directDownload Boolean Defines wether to download a report directly instead of showing it in a window.
mappings Array Mappings to combine certain data sources with certain reports. For details, see the following table.
windowProperties Object Properties for the window that shows the report (only used if property directDownload is set to false).

Mapping a data source to a report template

You can override the default configuration for a data store by providing a custom "data-store-to-report-template" mapping.

The following sample shows how to map the data source country_store to the non-default report template country_report, also overriding the fileName and directDownload properties:

"reporttool": {
    "ReportTask": {
        "defaultReportId": "s_default",
        "defaultFileName": "Report.pdf",
        "directDownload": false,
        "mappings": [{
            "storeId": "country_store",
            "reportId": "country_report",
            "fileName": "Country_Report.pdf",
            "directDownload": true

Properties of a mappings object:

Property Type Description
storeId String ID of the data source (data store).
reportId String ID of the report.
fileName String Overwrites property defaultFileName for this report (optional).
directDownload Boolean Overwrites global property for this report (optional).

Defining a static reporting tool

"reporttool": {
    "StaticReportTool": [{
        "id": "statesReport",
        "title": "Static Report for Median Ages",
        "storeId": "medianAgeStore",
        "query": {
            $or: [
                {"name": "Arizona"},
                {"name": "California"},
                {"name": "Nevada"}
        "iconClass": "icon-globe"
Property Type Description
id String ID of the tool.
title String Title of the tool.
storeId String ID of the data source (data store).
query Object Query to filter features from the data source, see Development Guide for further details.
iconClass String Icon class to use for the tool. See for available icons.

Use Cases

Create a report programmatically

Note: The interface of the ReportTask should not be considered as final! It may change in the future.

The bundle allows to trigger the generation of reports with the component ReportTask. This component can be referenced with interface reporttool.ReportTask.

See this bundle's API documentation for details.

Sample code

First, reference service reporttool.ReportTask in your manifest.json file:

"components": [{
    "name": "MyReportComponent",
    "references": [{
        "name": "_reportTask",
        "providing": "reporttool.ReportTask"

Next, this reference can be used to trigger the report generation:

class MyReportComponent {
    createMedianAgeReport() {
        // injected
        let reportTask = this._reportTask;
        let parameters = {
            storeId: "medianAgeStore"
            dsUrl: "",
            ids: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]