
Provides a widget to change layer settings, show additional service information and reorder layers.


No configuration required. Default values will be applied.

This bundle makes use of the map.apps TOC bundle and extends its functionality.

Configuration Reference

The following actions are added by this extension:

Action Description
show-capabilities The action is visible for WMS and WMTS services. It opens the URL of the capabilities file in a separate browser window.
remove-custom-layer The action is visible for layers added via the sdi_loadservice bundle. It removes the layer.
show-legend The action is visible for layers visible in the map. This action opens a legend window for this layer.
reorder-layer The action is visible for moveable layers. This can be used to move a layer up, down, to the top and to the bottom.
sld-selection The action is visible for WMS sublayers. It enables a widget that allows the user to select a different style.

In addition to that, warnings for the wrong SRS, wrong extent and wrong view mode (2D/3D) are added to the default TOC bundle.