
This bundles enables the map.apps resultcenter to display results from a smart.finder query. The facets selection widget (for results filtering) will be displayed in the resultcenter's left sidebar.

Show smart.finder search results in ResultCenter

To display results in the resultcenter, add the bundle sf_resultlist-resultcenter to your app. There is also a bundle set that gives you out-of-the-box support for an app with omnisearch, smart.finder and the resultcenter. For this, add the bundle sf_bundle-set_omnisearch-resultcenter to your app.

To configure the smart.finder stores used for searching in omnisearch and for querying the results, refer to the documentation of the sf_store bundle.

To change the resultcenter's columns, add the following configuration to your app.json file and adjust the columns property.

"resultcenter": {
  "DataView": {
    "DGRID": {
      "checkboxSelection": true,
      "columns": [
          "matches": {
            "name": "id"
          "matches": {
            "name": "title"
          "matches": {
            "name": "type"
          "matches": {
            "name": "source"
          "matches": {
            "name": "publisher"

The resultcenter renders all the geometries of the result list into the map. If you don't want that feature, you can turn it off with the following app.json configuration:

"resultcenter": {
  "FeatureMapVisualizer": {
    "componentEnabled": false