
This bundle draws a bounding box into the map when an item in the result list is hovered with the mouse.

Configuration Reference


Property Type Mandatory Default Description
symbol JSON representation of esri/symbols/Symbol no {"type": "simple-line", "color": [107,134,94], "width": 4} Defines the style of the frame that indicates the geographic extent of the current item in the map.
pointSymbol JSON representation of esri/symbols/Symbol no {"type": "picture-marker","url": "resource('images/mapMarker.png')","width": 37,"height": 36,"xoffset": 4,"yoffset": 16} Defines the style of the point symbol to indicate the position of the current item in the map.

See the Symbol section in the esri JavaScript API for details.


"sf_spatial-extent-viewer": {
    "SpatialExtentViewer": {
        "symbol": {
            "type": "simple-line",
            "color": [107, 134, 94],
            "width": 4


You can configure the time to wait until the extent drawn to the map will be removed again.

Property Type Mandatory Default Description
highlightTimeout Number no 1800 The number of milliseconds to wait after the extent drawn to the map /will be removed again.

In the following example the extent frame in the map will be removed 3 seconds after it has been added by clicking on the tool:

"sf_spatial-extent-viewer": {
    "ShowExtentInMapToolFactory": {
        "highlightTimeout": 3000