
Adds a tool to result items with a supported map service that allows to view the map service in an external map.apps App using map.apps SDI.

This requires an existing installation of map.apps including the map.apps SDI extension.


URL to map.apps SDI

You need to configure the URL of the map.apps SDI installation and the name of the app that should be opened. There must be the map.apps SDI bundles (at least sdi_loadservice and sdi_inspireviewlayer) and the bundle parametermanager included in that app.


"sfsdi_external-map-viewer" {
   "URLGenerator": {
       "baseUrl": "https://demos.conterra.de/mapapps",
       "appName": "mapapps_sdi"


Component name: URLGenerator

Property Description
baseUrl The URL to the map.apps installation, e.g. "https://demos.conterra.de/mapapps".
appName The name of the app that should be used to display the map service. That app needs must have included the map.apps SDI bundles.

Tool title and tooltip

You can configure title and tooltip of the tool that is displayed next to each result item on the ToolFactory component.

"sfsdi_external-map-viewer" {
   "ToolFactory": {
       "toolProperties": {
           "title": "${tool.title}",
           "tooltip": "${tool.tooltip}"

Supported map service types

For the configuration of supported map service type see bundle sfsdi_map-viewer-common.