

"templates": {
  "TemplateModel": {
    "_selectedTemplate": "<default_template_name>",
    "_templates": [
        <template_definition>, ...
Property Type Description
_selectedTemplate String The name of the template that is active or actived by default.
_templates Template Definition List of template definitions specifying, which templates are available in an app. For details, see the following code sample.

Type <template_definition>


    "_templates" : [{
      "title" : "Seasons",
      "location" : "templates/templates"


    "_templates" : [{
      "name":"<name>", //mandatory
      "title": "<title>", //displayed in the template selector
      "description": "<description>", //used as tooltip in the template selector
      "location": "<location_folder>", //the location of the folder containing the template folder
      "requiresCSS": <false|true>, //defines if a CSS file is required by this template.
      "requires": ["<require>"], //requirements needed to be loaded before the template is rendered
      "domId": "<id>", //ID of the DOM element inside the current HTML page that should be interpreted as template
      "i18n": ["<name>"], // list of i18n names
      "templateString": "<template>", // template layout definition
      "layouts": ["<layout>"], // sub-layout definitions
      "widgets" : [   // widget definitions
        <widget>, ...

The properties i18n, templateString, layouts, requireCSS, requires are typically set by a template developer in a <templatename>.js file and do not need to be configured by an app designer.

Property Overview

The following table gives a brief overview of all properties. See the following section for more details.

Property Name Type Default Value Short Description
name String The name of the template
title String The title for the template
description String "" A description for the template
location String templates/templates The location of the folder containing the template folder
requiresCSS Boolean true Defines if a CSS file is required by this template
requires Array The requirements to be loaded before the template is rendered
domId String ID of the DOM element inside the current HTML page
i18n Array [] List of i18n names
templateString String The template layout definition as string
widgets Widget[] [] An array of objects of type Widget

Property Details


The name of the template.


The title for the template, displayed in the template selector.


Default: ""

A description for the template, used as tooltip in the template selector.


Default: templates/templates

The location of the folder containing the template folder.

This is an AMD path, this means that the name templates is a registered AMD prefix. The default location resolves to the templates folder inside the templates bundle.

If a template is provided inside a custom bundle, the location is typically <bundlename> if the template folders are located directly inside the custom bundle.


Default: true

Defines if a CSS file is required by this template.

If true the file <templatename>.css is loaded from the template location.


Array of requirements needed to be loaded before the template is rendered.

This is rarely necessary, because requirements should better be listed inside the template JavaScript file.

Sample: requires : ["dijit/layout/TabContainer"]


ID of the DOM element inside the current HTML page that should be interpreted as template.


Default: []

List of i18n names, for example ["bundles"] which means that the file /nls/bundle.js is present in the template folder.


The template layout definition as string.


Default: []

Sublayout definitions.


Default: []

An array of <widget>s.

Type <widget>

The widgets property of a template object provides a way to customize window definitions and redefine widgetRoles to template attach points.

General widget declaration:

    "_templates" : [{
      "widgets" : [
            // required:
            "widgetRole" : "<name of a widget role>",
            // optional:
            "attachTo": "<attachpoint name in template>",
            // optional: additional css-class that is added to the widget's domNode.
            // if no cssClass is defined, the string of widgetRole is added as css class to the widget's domNode.
            "cssClass": "someCssClass",
            // additional properties registered at the widget before it is placed in the template
            // what properties are available depends on the kind of the 'attachTo' target.
            // for example if the 'attachTo' target is a dijit/layout/BorderContainer, the property "region" has to be defined.
            "props" : {            
                // can be used to order multiple widgets placed into the same 'attachTo' target
                "layoutIndex" : <number>
            // optional: the widget should be displayed as window
            // this can be string or a json object
            "window" : {
                // list properties of a window, such as marginBox and title.
            // optional:
            // this can be string or a json object
            "windowevents" : {
                // event mappings, such as "onClose" : "aMethodInTheWidget"
            // optional default is false
            // flag which defines that any configuration provided by the template or bundles should be ignored
            // if false the settings are merged with other available settings
            "nomerge" : true,
            // optional
            // the name of the template for which this widget definition should be effective
            // this property makes only sense if the definition is part of the "layout-widgets" property of a bundle
            // input may be a string or an array of strings
            "template": "<name of a template>" | ["<name of template 1>", "name of template 2"],
            // optional
            // the name of the sub layout for which this widget definition should be effective
            // input may be a string or an array of strings
            "sublayout": "<name of a sublayout>" | ["<name of sublayout 1>", "name of sublayout 2"]