Interface ConfigProperties

All config options.

interface ConfigProperties {
    customPostProcessors: PostProcessor[];
    customPreProcessors: PreProcessor[];
    disableProxySupport: boolean;
    maxUrlLength: number;
    proxyRules: ProxyRuleDescriptor[];
    proxyUrl: string;
    returnDojoDeferred: boolean;
    timeout: number;
    trustedServers: TrustedServerDescriptor[];


customPostProcessors: PostProcessor[]

Custom post-processors.

customPreProcessors: PreProcessor[]

Custom pre-processors.

disableProxySupport: boolean

Globally disable the proxy support.

maxUrlLength: number

Maximal length of a url before a GET request is switched to POST.

proxyRules: ProxyRuleDescriptor[]

Proxy use rules.

proxyUrl: string

Default proxy url.

returnDojoDeferred: boolean

Flag to enable/disable to return dojo deferred instead of a Promise.

timeout: number

Request timeout in msec.

trustedServers: TrustedServerDescriptor[]

Trusted servers, for which 'withCredentials' will be enabled.