Interface Highlighter

The Highlighter class can be used to create highlights on a MapWidgetModel. You should use either the HighlightService or the HighlighterFactory to obtain an instance of this type:

  • The HighlightService provides a Highlighter instance that operates on the default MapWidgetModel. This should be sufficient for most use cases.
  • The HighlighterFactory can create Highlighter instances for custom MapWidgetModel instances. This can be useful, for example, to support multiple map views.
interface Highlighter {
    clear(): void;
    destroy(): void;
    getDefaultSymbol(geometryType: string, viewmode?: ViewMode): undefined | SymbolProperties;
    highlight(graphicObject: Partial<HighlightGraphic> | Partial<HighlightGraphic>[], options?: HighlightOptions): Highlight;


  • Removes all existing highlights.

    Returns void

  • This function must be called to release resources used by this object when it is no longer needed.

    Returns void

  • Returns the default symbol for the given geometry.


    • geometryType: string

      The geometry type to highlight (as used in the esri API).

    • Optionalviewmode: ViewMode

      The viewmode must be either "2D" (the default) or "3D". The function will fall back to 2D symbols if 3D symbols are requested but unavailable.

    Returns undefined | SymbolProperties

  • Highlights the given object. The returned object represents the new highlight on the map. Calling the Highlight.remove function on that object will manually remove the highlight.


    • graphicObject: Partial<HighlightGraphic> | Partial<HighlightGraphic>[]

      The object to be highlighted. This can be either an esri Graphic object, a plain javascript Object, or an Array of such objects.

      If plain objects are passed to this function, they will be used as templates to create a new Graphic object for each of them.

      The object must have a valid geometry. All other properties are optional. A default symbol will be chosen if not specified.

      Use the optional symbol3D property to specify a 3D symbol. If the map widget is in 3D mode at the time the highlight is created, the 3D symbol will be used to render the highlight.

    • Optionaloptions: HighlightOptions

      Additional highlight options.

    Returns Highlight

    A new Highlight instance. Returns undefined if the given graphics are not of type object.