Interface ActionFactory

Factory for creating Actions.

interface ActionFactory {
    createAction(type: string): any;
    getTypes(): string[] | Promise<string[]>;


  • Creates an Action instance.

    The returned action must either be an object of type Action or an instance of a class derived from the class popups/Action.


    • type: string

      Type ID of action to be created.

    Returns any

    action instance or undefined, if no Action could be created for this type.

    ActionFactory returning a properties object

    export class TweetActionFactory implements ActionFactory {
    createAction(type: string): Action | undefined {
    return {
    id: "tweetablePopups.action.tweet",
    type: "button",
    title: "Tweet Feature",
    className: "esri-icon-share2",
    trigger(context) {
    // Code to be performed, when the action is triggered,
    // for example if someone clicks the link that is displayed in the popup.

    const features = context.features; // All features that are hit by clicking on the map.
    const selectedFeature = context.selectedFeature; // The selected and visible feature in the popup.
    const location = context.location; // The point position where the popup is opened on the map.

    // Tweet it: for example selectedFeature.attributes.description ...
    getTypes(): string[] | Promise<string[]> {
    return ["tweet"];

    ActionFactory returning an instance from a class extending popups/Action

    export class MyCustomAction extends Action {
    trigger(context: ActionContext) {
    // Do something when action is clicked

    export class MyCustomActionFactory implements ActionFactory {
    getTypes(): string[] | Promise<string[]> {
    return ["mycustomaction"];
    createAction(type: string): Action | undefined {
    return new MyCustomAction({
    id: type,
    title: "customAction"
  • Returns string[] | Promise<string[]>

    A list action IDs supported by this factory.