Interface QueryDefinition<IdType>

Specifies a query against a data set.

interface QueryDefinition<IdType> {
    count?: number;
    ids?: IdType[];
    outFields?: "id" | string[] | "*";
    outGeometry?: boolean;
    outGeometryMaxAllowableOffset?: number;
    outSr?: any;
    sortBy?: SortSpecifier[];
    start?: number;

Type Parameters


count?: number

Pagination size (page size).

ids?: IdType[]

Lookup the given ids.

outFields?: "id" | string[] | "*"

Defines required output fields. Note the fields list only the attribute data. To include geometry data please use the flag outGeometry. If not defined "*" is assumed.

    • means all attribute fields id - means only the id field.
outGeometry?: boolean

Indicates that geometry data should be included. If omitted the DatasetItems will not have attached geometry data.

outGeometryMaxAllowableOffset?: number

Request the geometry data with a limited offset value to reduce complexity. This maybe supported for polygon data.

outSr?: any

Required CRS for the geometry output. A dataset may have support for transformation but this is not a guarantee.

sortBy?: SortSpecifier[]

Defines required sort order.

start?: number

Pagination start index.