Interface TableActionResolverContext

An object of this kind lives only for the time a concrete UI is displayed. It provides a way to react to action state changes, e.g. when an action is hidden or deactivated. Additionally, it provides a way to conditionally render row actions.

interface TableActionResolverContext {
    destroy(): void;
    getBulkActions(dataTable: DataTable): TableActionItem<BulkButtonTableAction>[];
    getRowActions(dataTable: DataTable, rowItem: TableItem): TableActionItem<RowButtonTableAction>[];
    on<Name>(eventName: Name, callback: EventCallback<TableActionResolverContextEvents[Name]>): EventHandle;
    on(eventName: "*", callback: EventCallback<void>): EventHandle;
    on(eventName: string | string[], callback: EventCallback<unknown>): EventHandle;



  • Must be called by a UI to indicate that the context is no longer required.

    Returns void

  • Register event listener for specific events.

    Type Parameters


    Returns EventHandle

    a handle to unregister from the event

  • Register event listener for any event.


    • eventName: "*"

      must be "*" for this overload

    • callback: EventCallback<void>

      the event handler callback will be invoked when any event has been emitted

    Returns EventHandle

    a handle to unregister from the events

  • Register event listener for the events listed in eventName. Comma separated event names are possible, for example "eventA,eventB".


    • eventName: string | string[]

      the event name or list of names

    • callback: EventCallback<unknown>

      the event handler callback

    Returns EventHandle

    a handle to unregister from the event(s)