
The bundle provides a widget used to share the state of an app. In contrast to the map.apps share-link bundle, where all parameters for restoring the state of an app are encoded in the URL, the sdi_share-link bundle saves the current state of the app on the server. The only parameter in the link is an ID to the saved state.



Tool ID Component name Description
sdi_copyAppStateLinkTool CopyAppStateLinkTool Copies a link to the clipboard.
sdi_shareAppStateLinkTool ShareAppStateLinkTool Opens a sharing dialog to share a link through different networks and channels. See the Support for Web Share API section for details.
sdi_sharelinkTool URLTool Opens a dialog with two buttons that provide the same functionality as the tools mentioned above combined.

Configuring the sharing title and the sharing message

You can change the title and the message to include along with the link you are sharing.

"bundles": {
    "sdi_share-link": {
        "ShareAppStateLinkCommand": {
            "shareTitle": "Cool App",
            "shareMessage": "found it here"

Configuring the button icons in the dialog

The icons for the two buttons inside the sharing dialog can be changed as follows.

"bundles": {
    "sdi_share-link": {
        "DialogConfig": {
            "shareIcon": "share",
            "shareErrorIcon": "error",
            "shareProgressIcon": "hourglass_top",
            "copyIcon": "content_copy",
            "copyErrorIcon": "error",
            "copyDoneIcon": "done",
            "copyProgressIcon": "hourglass_top"

The buttons have different phases they can run through. You can set custom icons for each of those phases.

The values to specify refer to the CSS classes that contain the respective icons. See the map.apps IconFont Gallery for a list of available icons.

Configuring the icons for the tools

Default icon

The default icons for the CopyAppStateLinkTool and the ShareAppStateLinkTool can be configured, as for any other tool, on the iconClass property of the tool components.

"bundles": {
    "sdi_share-link": {
        "CopyAppStateLinkTool": {
            "iconClass": "content_copy"

Phase icons

You can configure the icons for the different phases these tools can run through as well.

For the CopyToolPhaseController tool:

"bundles": {
    "sdi_share-link": {
        "CopyToolPhaseController": {
            "doneIconClass": "icon-checkbox-checkmark",
            "errorIconClass":  "icon-sign-error"

For the ShareToolPhaseController tool:

"bundles": {
    "sdi_share-link": {
        "ShareToolPhaseController": {
            "errorIconClass":  "icon-sign-error"

Support for Web Share API

The Web Share API defines a simple way to share links through different channels and networks. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge support this API out-of-the-box for websites served through HTTPS. The desktop version Mozilla Firefox does not support this API by default. Users have to explicitly enable it in their browser config.

As a replacement, you can include the share-link-shim bundle in your app.json file to emulate a similar behaviour.