Class AsyncInMemoryStore<ItemType, IDType>

A readonly asynchronous store.

Type Parameters

  • ItemType extends Record<string, any>
  • IDType extends string | number

Hierarchy (View Summary)






    | undefined
    | {
        <Name extends "changed">(
            eventName: Name,
            callback: EventCallback<StoreEvents<IDType>[Name]>,
        ): EventHandle;
            eventName: "*",
            callback: EventCallback<StoreChangedEvent<IDType>>,
        ): EventHandle;
            eventName: string | string[],
            callback: EventCallback<unknown>,
        ): EventHandle;

Register event listener for specific events.

Type declaration

  • undefined
  • {
        <Name extends "changed">(
            eventName: Name,
            callback: EventCallback<StoreEvents<IDType>[Name]>,
        ): EventHandle;
            eventName: "*",
            callback: EventCallback<StoreChangedEvent<IDType>>,
        ): EventHandle;
            eventName: string | string[],
            callback: EventCallback<unknown>,
        ): EventHandle;
      • <Name extends "changed">(
            eventName: Name,
            callback: EventCallback<StoreEvents<IDType>[Name]>,
        ): EventHandle
      • Type Parameters

        • Name extends "changed"


        Returns EventHandle

      • (
            eventName: "*",
            callback: EventCallback<StoreChangedEvent<IDType>>,
        ): EventHandle
      • Register event listener for any event.


        • eventName: "*"

          must be "*" for this overload

        • callback: EventCallback<StoreChangedEvent<IDType>>

          the event handler callback will be invoked when any event has been emitted

        Returns EventHandle

        a handle to unregister from the events

      • (eventName: string | string[], callback: EventCallback<unknown>): EventHandle
      • Register event listener for the events listed in eventName. Comma separated event names are possible, for example "eventA,eventB".


        • eventName: string | string[]

          the event name or list of names

        • callback: EventCallback<unknown>

          the event handler callback

        Returns EventHandle

        a handle to unregister from the event(s)

name of the event

the event handler callback will be invoked when the event has been emitted

a handle to unregister from the event


  • get id(): undefined | string
  • ID of the store.

    Returns undefined | string

  • get idProperty(): undefined | string
  • Name of the property used as ID. If not provided, the 'getIdentity' method must be declared.

    Returns undefined | string


  • Retrieves an item by its identifier.


    • id: IDType

      id of an item in the store.

    • Optionaloptions: GetOptions

      options to specify the result.

    Returns Promise<undefined | ItemType>

  • Returns an items‘s identity. This must always execute synchronously.


    Returns undefined | IDType

    the ID

  • Returns any available metadata about the store. This may include attribution, available fields, cache directives, history or version information.

    Returns Promise<Metadata>