Interface Dataset<IdType>

A data set represents a subset of items of a data source. It provides access to full displayable data.

The dataSource property is the source of the available data and in most cases an instance of a store.

You can watch the properties title, itemCount, state, initError and updateError for changes.

 const dataset = ...;"state", ({value})=> {
const newState = value;
// newState can be: "not-initialized" | "initializing" | "initialized" | "init-error" | "destroyed" | "updating"

You can watch for the events items-changed, destroyed.

const dataset = ...;
dataset.on("items-changed", ({added, deleted, updated})=> { ... });
dataset.on("destroyed",()=> { ... });
interface Dataset<IdType> {
    addItemsById(itemIds: Iterable<IdType, any, any>): Promise<void>;
    addItemsByIdsProvider(idsProvider: DatasetItemIdsProvider<AllowedIdTypes>): Promise<void>;
    capabilities: DatasetCapabilities;
    clean(): Promise<void>;
    dataSource: unknown;
    dataSourceProperties: undefined | Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    destroy(): void;
    fields: readonly FieldData[];
    id: string;
    init(): void;
    initError: undefined | Error;
    initialIdsProvider: undefined | DatasetItemIdsProvider<AllowedIdTypes>;
    isDomainValueField(fieldName: string): boolean;
    isInitialized(): boolean;
    itemCount: ItemCount;
    lookupDomainValues(fieldValues: Record<string, any>): Record<string, any>;
    on<Name>(name: Name, callBack: EventCallback<DatasetEvents<IdType>[Name]>): Handle;
    queryAllIds(): QueryResult<IdType>;
    queryItems(query: QueryDefinition<IdType>): QueryResult<DatasetItem<IdType>>;
    refresh(): Promise<void>;
    removeItemsById(itemIds: Iterable<IdType, any, any>): Promise<void>;
    state: DatasetState;
    title: string;
    updateError: undefined | Error;
    updateItemsById(itemIds: Iterable<IdType, any, any>): Promise<void>;

Type Parameters



capabilities: DatasetCapabilities

Capabilities of the data set. The capabilities are only readable if the dataset is "initialized".

dataSource: unknown

The real data source.

dataSourceProperties: undefined | Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>

Service metadata about the data source if provided.

fields: readonly FieldData[]

The fields of the data set. The fields are only readable if the dataset is "initialized".

id: string

Dataset id. Typically initialized and equal to id of data source (store id).

initError: undefined | Error

A initialization error. Is available if state === "init-error".

initialIdsProvider: undefined | DatasetItemIdsProvider<AllowedIdTypes>

Provides access to the initial id provider, if not yet used to init the dataset.

itemCount: ItemCount

The amount of items in the dataset. The itemCount is only readable if the dataset is "initialized".

The current state of the dataset.

title: string

Changeable title. Typically initialized from data source.

updateError: undefined | Error

A update error. This error may happen if an updating process failed.


  • Adds the given items to the dataset. Before using this method check the DatasetCapabilities.supportsAddItems State. If supportsAddItems is false, the method will throw an error.


    • itemIds: Iterable<IdType, any, any>

      Ids which will be added to the Dataset.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Adds the given items to the dataset. Before using this method check the DatasetCapabilities.supportsAddItems State. If supportsAddItems is false, the method will throw an error.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Removes any data from the dataset.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Destroys the dataset.

    Returns void

  • Starts dataset initialization.

    Returns void

  • Provides a way to check if the values of a field can be converted into domain values.


    • fieldName: string

      name of a field.

    Returns boolean

    true if the values can be converted.

  • Returns true if the dataset is in state initialized or updating

    Returns boolean

  • Provides a way to convert the values of a data set item into a domain values. Note to ensure that the method is working correctly the values of all domain fields should be provided.


    • fieldValues: Record<string, any>

      fields and the matching values.

    Returns Record<string, any>

    converted values or the original value if not convertible.

  • Registers event listener.

    Type Parameters


    Returns Handle

  • Enforces the refresh of the data. It may completely re-fetch item data and drop no longer existing items.

    Equivalent to:

      const allIds = await dataset.queryAllIds().toArray();

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Removes the given items from the dataset. Before using this method check the DatasetCapabilities.supportsRemoveItems State. If supportsRemoveItems is false, the method will throw an error.


    • itemIds: Iterable<IdType, any, any>

      Ids which should be deleted from the dataset.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Enforces the refresh of data of the given items. Note: If one of the ids did not exist, then it is ignored.


    • itemIds: Iterable<IdType, any, any>

      Ids which data will be updated.

    Returns Promise<void>