columnsColumns of the table.
datasetThe dataset associated with the table.
Filter state.
loadLoad error if state === "load-error".
Sort state.
stateState of the table.
totalTotal number of items of the last query.
Emits a row-clicked event.
id of row item.
Provides access to the data to display conversion code. It converts a DatasetItem into a Row. A row has column values, which are prepared to be displayed in table UI. The column values are field data transformed by Formatters. This method allows data conversion for dataset items currently not displayed in the table. E.g. for CSV Export.
the item to transform
formatterOptionsOverrides: FormatterOptionsOptions how to format the output. Can be used to override formatting of columns. For example used to control the formatting of numeric values when exported as csv.
Removes all given values from the selection.
iterable of values.
Sets the focus to the given item. If datasetItemId is undefined, the focus is removed from the item.
a boolean indicating whether the given id is selected.
Registers event listener.
Adds all values to the selection.
iterable of values.
selected: booleantrue == select, false === deselect. If omitted this is interpreted as true.
Represents the state of table UI. It grants access to the formatted table data.
You can watch the properties
for changes.You can watch for the events